Fox News host Jesse Watters responds to the U.S. Secret Service’s initial press conference following the assassination attempt on former President Trump, proposing that the entire Pittsburgh field office should be placed on administrative leave.
JESSE WATTERS: The Secret Service held its first press conference since Donald Trump faced an assassination attempt broadcasted live. After evading the media and congressional probes for three consecutive weeks, Director Ronald Rowe made an alarming revelation… The former President of the United States, the Republican nominee, labeled by Democrats and the media as a serious threat to democracy, akin to Hitler and a dictator, had no Secret Service counter-sniper teams protecting him at his campaign events for the past two years. This means that during his daily returns to Trump Tower from his court appearances in Manhattan, there were no counter-snipers in place. This lack of protection was glaring, especially since Trump’s schedule and location were known worldwide for an entire month and a half. In a city brimming with skyscrapers and countless windows, there was no counter-sniper presence at all. For instance, when Trump was in the Bronx, not a single counter-sniper was present. Anyone could have accessed a tree or a rooftop with a firearm. And what about his visit to the bodega in Harlem post-court? Surrounded by numerous buildings and windows, any of which could have been used for a sniper shot, he had no counter-snipers near him. So, after two years of barren counter-sniper protection, why did they suddenly appear in Butler, the same venue where an attempt was made on his life? Post-attack, the intelligence community leaked to CNN, claiming that counter-snipers were added in Butler due to an Iranian threat to Trump’s safety. Yet, this logic falls apart as a fatwa against Trump has existed since he ordered Soleimani’s killing four years prior. When questioned, federal authorities conceded there was no new intelligence from Iran. What a coincidence. The notion of Secret Service protection surrounding Trump has been an illusion. It’s believed these agents were in constant contact utilizing advanced technology unbeknownst to us. However, it turns out that the Secret Service counter-sniper team in Butler lacked radios that fateful day.
Trump narrowly escaped a bullet aimed at him. He bears the open wound, and the sole reason he survived is sheer luck—he instinctively turned his head to the right. The entire Pittsburgh field office should be placed on administrative leave, have their electronics confiscated, and face formal investigation. Yet, the director hasn’t taken any action, and those responsible for the Butler rally’s security continue in their roles. A recent report from RealClearPolitics indicates that most agents who rushed to Trump after the shooting were not part of his regular security detail. As noted by Susan Crabtree, this group consisted of various field office agents who don’t train cohesively. Is that the reason why the agents around Trump appeared so disoriented during the incident? If you needed another reason to participate in this election, here it is. If Kamala is elected, the investigation into the Trump assassination attempt will be hampered. Donald Trump has assured me that if he wins, he will declassify all information regarding the attempt on his life. So, if you wish to uncover what transpired this July, you know what action to take in November.